The Evolution Of Role Models In Our Life

I wanna talk about role models for a bit, and the people in our lives we ​​see as an example, and how this changes over the years. As a child you automatically have role models: your parents - or whoever raises you up.

This is something that you can not change or influence because they are the first people you copy to learn the basics of life.

Other family members around you become extended role models. Older brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, regular visitors at home.

You start to enlarge your world and thus the role models expand. You go to school and your teachers become role models.

When you are little, all these people are just great. You take them as perfect as they are, without seeing them as real people with mistakes or flaws.

As you get older bit by bit and gain perspective, suddenly you realize that maybe they are good in one area of ​​life, but that you would rather not imitate them in others.

Not only do you gain perspective, you become more mature and have to decide for yourself what are the qualities you should strive for and what you should and should not imitate.

At some point you have to realize that you are you, and that you do not have to be a copy person of somebody else. You do not need an example that you copy or imitate, because we are all different and you are unique.

You can always be inspired by others, seeing something good you can take on in your life, but we should never get stuck in our childish way of wanting to create an absolutely perfect role model.

Nobody is perfect, but we are all unique. You too - so be yourself as best you can!


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